
Community Garden

The City of Center Point has set aside an area in Fross Park for residents who would like to have a garden, there are 20 8' X 4' raised beds available.

The beds are available to rent on a first come first serve basis, they are $12.00 each.  

Garden beds are limited to two per household.  If additional plots remain as of March 17th, they can be purchased on a first come first serve basis.  

Plot leasing and registration can be done at Center Point City Hall between 8am - 4pm, Monday - Thursday starting on January 6th, 2025.  


Garden plot renters must maintain their plot(s)!  This includes weeding in and around plot, removing dead plant material, and picking up any trash and litter.  


Last working day for 2025 is set for: October 18th

Official Website of Center Point, Iowa