
Garbage, Recycling and Water sign-up

Personal Water Use Chart
Activity Est. Amt. Gal. of Water

Washing face or hands - 1
Taking a shower (standard shower head) - 50
Taking a shower (low flow shower head) - 25
Taking a bath - 40
Brushing teeth w/water running - 2
Brushing teeth – water turned off - 0.25
Flushing toilet (standard flow toilet) - 5
Flushing the toilet (low flow toilet) - 1.5
Shaving - 2
Getting a drink - 0.25
Cooking a meal - 3
Washing dishes by hand - 10
Running a dishwasher - 15
Doing a load of laundry - 30
Watering lawn - 300
Washing car - 50

Official Website of Center Point, Iowa